The Body Shop und Cruelty Free International ubergeben Vereinten Nationen Rekordzahl von 8,3 Millionen Unterschriften, um weltweites Verbot von Kosmetiktierversuchen durchzusetzen

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On World Animal Day, dog activists and their owners eagerly joined the global movement to end animal testing in cosmetics organized by The Body Shop and Cruelty Free International. The dogs and their owners took more than 8 million signatures to the United Nations Headquarters in New York City, calling for an end to animal testing in cosmetics globally. Photo Credit: Stuart Ramson, The Body Shop

NEW YORK, 5. Oktober 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Heute, am Welttierschutztag, legten The Body Shop und Cruelty Free International dem Hauptquartier der Vereinten Nationen in New York City 8,3 Millionen Unterschriften

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